Friday, February 16, 2007

Berryman Institute

Did you know that an institute, based in Mississippi and Utah, works to bridge conflicts between humans and animals? I wasn't aware of the Jack H. Berryman Institute -- named after a 30-year U.S. Fish & Wildlife employee -- until this week, but it's been working with USDA Wildlife Services since 1993.

Located at Utah State University in the wildland resources department and at Mississipi State University in the wildlife and fisheries department, it focuses on "improving human-wildlife relationships and resolving human-wildlife conflicts through teaching, research, and extension." An example of a human-wildlife conflict: catfish farmers and Black-crowned Night-Herons.

The center accepts grant proposals, provides outreach and continuing education programs, accepts graduate students whose work coincides with the center's research priorities. Know any college students who might benefit from the opportunity? Spread the word.

Photo courtesy of Fermilab

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