Saturday, May 05, 2007

Wind farms' impact remains unclear

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Wind farms could generate as much as 7 percent of U.S. electricity in 15 years, but scientists want to spend more time studying the threat those spinning blades pose to birds and bats.

The towers appear most dangerous to night-migrating songbirds, bats and some hunting birds such as hawks and eagles. The risk is not well enough known to draw conclusions, a panel of the National Research Council said Thursday in a study requested by Congress.
How do birders concerned about climate change balance the wind farms' potential reduction in the use of fossil fuels against the potential impact on birds and bats?



Blogger Dona Tracy said...

Hi Amy,

As the founder and president of a twenty-five year old center for wild birds of prey, I appreciate your posting this story.

Industrial scale wind farms are taking a huge toll on birds and bats and that will grow exponentially as wind farms do.

I believe people who love birds and wildlife should oppose them and look into other forms of alternative energy to support. Also conservation has been taking a back seat and it should be the first thing we do all over the world to assure the safety of all of the inhabitants of this planet.

We need to push our elected officials to put conservation on the top of their agenda.

May 07, 2007 4:58 AM  

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