Tuesday, July 03, 2007

First Friday deadline: tomorrow!

Put your writing skills to work, and earn two recently published books!

If your 500-word story about birds, birders or birding wins the First Friday contest, then you get your pick of reading material from the WildBird bookshelves. Maybe you'd like to see Why Don't Woodpeckers Get Headaches? by Mike O'Connor, National Geographic Field Guide to Birds: Arizona & New Mexico or Wetland Birds of North America by Scott Leslie in your mailbox.

The details:
* 500-word limit
* fictional story with four elements: a setting, a character or characters, a conflict and a resolution
* deals with birds, birders and/or birding
* no anthropomorphism of birds

Send your tale to me on July 4 in an e-mail or as a Word attachment. With two or more entries, we've got the makings of a contest!

See who's won previous First Fridays:
Claire Kines (twice!)
Jody Hildreth
Beverly Robertson (twice!)
Tai Haku

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