Birder of the Year contest!

In the November/December issue, the six Forum Birders and six Backyard Birders become eligible for the Birder of the Year title and more prizes. WildBird readers vote to award the title and prizes.
This year's Forum Birders and Backyard Birders became eligible for "Peterson Field Guide to Birds of North America," donated by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, as well as a Swarovski gift. The 2008 Birder of the Year -- Connie Kogler of Loveland, Colo. -- also received a Swarovski 8x32 EL and a guided trip to Costa Rica, courtesy of Swarovski Optik North America. Her report appeared in the September/October 2009 issue on page 4 and online.
If you'd like the chance to win optics and a five-day guided birding trip with Swarovski and WildBird hosts, then answer the questions in Lister's Forum and Birder's Back Yard in every issue. As little as 250 words could earn you the trip of a lifetime!
Above: Turquoise-browed Motmot, courtesy of Clay Taylor/Swarovski Optik Digiscoping
Labels: Birder of the Year, contest, Costa Rica