Friday, August 21, 2009

This bird photo could be better if...

WildBird holds a photo contest each year that generates hundreds of entries. We love seeing so many folks respond to the prizes available in each category, and this year's contest offered 16 prizes.

Among the gobs of great photographs that make the judges' jobs difficult, we always find images that make us think that they could've been just a wee bit better. I'll share some for your viewing and critiquing pleasure. (Click on an image to see a larger version.)

Tip: Very rarely will a photo taken through a window win a prize. Reconsider spending the time and effort to submit such a photo into a contest.

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Blogger Unknown said...

I think that a photo through a window could be quite good given a few qualities. Don't show the window frame, good quality glass helps,the glass must be clean, no imperfections in the glass that would show up in the photo, no reflections in the glass, you must be close enough to get a high quality image. I have taken images through windows that one would never know were viewed through a window. It does help if the place is somewhere specifically designed for viewing of animals such as a zoo, wildlife sanctuary, nature center etc.

August 21, 2009 10:45 AM  
Blogger David La Puma said...

Riiiiight. which, I think, is exactly what Amy is talking about. Photos that look like they were taken through a window, rarely win photo contests.

September 01, 2009 12:38 PM  

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