Potential national monuments in the West
Sunday's edition of "Los Angeles Times" included a travel article titled "National Prospects." The main reason that it caught my attention: the American Avocet chosen to illustrate Bodie Hills.
If you visit the link above, you'll find videos and a photo gallery. How many of the 14 sites have you visited? (Click on the map to see a larger version.)
If you visit the link above, you'll find videos and a photo gallery. How many of the 14 sites have you visited? (Click on the map to see a larger version.)

None, sadly. Though I've been close to a couple, and maybe even through Vermillion Basin, Colorado. I was out that way looking for Sage Thrasher and Sparrow (successfully!), but not sure exactly where I was compared to the directions given.
But it would be great if these could be protected, I'd love to see them eventually.
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