Friday, March 24, 2006

Survey says?!

Beginning Monday, the Census Bureau will interview more than 85,000 households for the 11th National Survey of Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife-Associated Recreation. Begun in 1955, the survey takes place every five years and provides wildlife agencies, journalists, local governments, conservation groups and the outdoor and tourist industries with vital data.

Why should birders care? Because the results of these surveys can determine funding for birding-related sites, programs and events. If you receive a telephone call from the Census Bureau between March and May or September to October, please participate in the confidential survey.

According to U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Director H. Dale Hall:
"We appreciate the anglers, hunters, birdwatchers and others throughout the United States who voluntarily participate in this survey. Results from this survey help wildlife managers quantify how much Americans value –- in both participation and expenditures -- our wildlife resources.”
The survey results will appear in a national report and in state reports. Preliminary results will appear in spring 2007; final reports, fall 2007.

You'll find details about the 2001 survey and the results at the link above, such as "Over 82 million U.S. residents 16 years old and older fished, hunted, or wildlife watched in 2001. During that year, 34.1 million people fished, 13.0 million hunted, and 66.1 million participated in at least one type of wildlife-watching activity including observing, feeding, or photographing wildlife."


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