Monday, August 31, 2009

This bird photo could be better if...

WildBird holds a photo contest each year that generates hundreds of entries. We love seeing so many folks respond to the prizes available in each category, and this year's contest offered 16 prizes.

Among the gobs of great photographs that make the judges' jobs difficult, we always find images that make us think that they could've been just a wee bit better. I'll share some for your viewing and critiquing pleasure. (Click on an image to see a larger version.)

Tip: A tack-sharp focal point behind a flying bird can emphasize its movement. I wanted to see a version with the Great Egret's head in focus, so the Great Blue Heron's action appeared more dramatic.

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Blogger dguzman said...

What the hell?

September 02, 2009 8:24 PM  

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