Tuesday, October 03, 2006

20th anniversary of Project FeederWatch

Nov. 11 marks the start of the 2006-2007 Project FeederWatch, organized by Cornell Lab of Ornithology. The citizen-science project relies on backyard birders to consistently monitor their feeders and submit reports about their observations.

If you feed birds at home and want to add to our knowledge of North American birds, you're encouraged to sign up, pay the $15 fee ($12 for Lab members) and wait for the FeederWatch kit to arrive. You'll receive a FeederWatcher's Handbook, a calendar, a poster of the most common feeder visitors, instructions to file data, a subscription to the Lab's BirdScope newsletter and the FeederWatch Winter Bird Highlights.

Because your kit might not arrive for a few weeks, it's best to sign up as quickly as possible!

Townsend's Warbler courtesy of Project FeederWatch/John Riutta


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